Thursday, 6 December 2012

Google Affiliate Network User Forums

We are pleased to announce the addition of user-to-user forums within the Google Affiliate Network Help Center. And we invite you to join the discussion!

Our Help Center now hosts a unique user forum where you can feel free to ask questions, share ideas, search for answers and talk to other Google Affiliate Network advertisers and publishers. 

This is not a moderated forum but we have "Google Guides" who may clarify factual errors and/or provide product help if required. 

You do not need a ConnectCommerce login to access the Help Center or the forums. You can access the forums with a simple click. If you want to ask or reply to a question, simply sign in with any Google Account and create display/username for the Affiliate Network forum.

Google Affiliate Network's adoption of the user-to-user platform is an example of the value of the ongoing integration with Google's powerful systems. The forum has an innovative interface, clear categories, and robust search capabilities. Since this is a user forum the content will only be as good as the questions that are asked so we encourage all Google Affiliate Network users to participate.

1 comment:

  1. the fact that a tonne of carbon dioxide does the same amount of damage over time wherever it is emitted. Uniform pricing would also remove the risk that polluting businesses flee to so-called "pollution havens"'
    affiliate network
