Thursday 9 August 2012 : Know Fake Currency Notes

Know how to detect Fake Indian Currency Notes at

As some fake (duplicate) currency notes are under circulation in the market, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) started new website to educate people how to identify fake currency notes. Producers of fake currency note make it so precisely that it is difficult to detect by merely looking it. But if you know features of genuine Indian currency notes, you can also detect it easily.

You must know it that a forged note, fake note or counterfeit note does not possess all the characteristics of genuine Indian currency note. The features of a valid / genuine currency notes are easily identifiable by seeing, touching and tilting the note. So to avoid taking forged or fake currency note you have to develop the habit of checking the genuineness of the notes at the time of receiving rupees.

Fake Note Detection Explained at

Department of Currency Management, Central Office, Reserve Bank of India launched a new website for creating awareness among the general public about fake currency notes with a tagline “Pehchano Paise ki Boli, Kyunki Paisa Bolta hai”. This website explains ways to detect forged notes. The address of the website for checking fake notes is, it gives visual presentation on currency notes of one thousand, five hundred, one hundred, fifty, twenty and ten notes denominations. Moreover, the site also allows you to download posters explaining parameters of genuine currency notes of values 1000, 500, 100, 50, 20 and 10 rupees. These posters can be used as reference to identify forged notes. The site also contains a documentary film on detection of fake currency which can also be downloaded. 
Some security features of currency genuine notes are: View of poster on how to Check Fake Currency
See through Register
Optically variable ink
Security Thread
Intaglio Printing
Latent Image
Micro Lettering
Identification Mark
Year of Printing
See through Register
To know details of these features of a genuine currency note, you can view RBI's website,

Important links of

Viewing Security Features of Notes:
Viewing Security Features of 1000 Rupees Note
Viewing Security Features of 500 Rupees Note
Viewing Security Features of 100 Rupees Note
Viewing Security Features of 50 Rupees Note
Viewing Security Features of 20 Rupees Note
Viewing Security Features of 10 Rupees Note
Downloading posters describing Features of Genuine Currency Notes:
Download Poster of 1000 Rupees Note
Download Poster of 500 Rupees Note
Download Poster of 100 Rupees Note
Download Poster of 50 Rupees Note
Download Poster of 20 Rupees Note
Download Poster of 10 Rupees Note

Steps against Circulation of Forged Currency Notes

Remember, circulation of forged notes in our country is a big problem for country's economical growth. So we all must know to detect forged currency notes so that circulation of these fake notes may be stopped. Hence, do share the process of checking fake currency notes among all. RBI is also taking steps to address the problem in the following ways,
By periodically improving the security features of Indian banknotes so that the counterfeiters find it difficult to copy.
By ensuring that the banks have robust systems in place which will enable them to identify and detect forged notes immediately on their entry into the banking system.
By raising public awareness on genuine Indian currency notes.
By training of cash handlers on detection of forged notes.
By improving co-ordination between the banks and law enforcement agencies.
For frequently asked questions related to fake/forged currency notes you can view the following page:'s.html 

It is assumed, by now, you have known how to detect fake Indian currency note and surely you will develop habit of detecting the genuineness of the notes whenever you receive money. Feel free to share your views / comments here. Do share it if you know more on detecting fake currency note.

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