Tuesday, 22 January 2013

e Bills Pay

What if we said you could cut back paper clutter, reduce your risk of identity theft and manage your bills more efficiently? When you sign up for eBills, you can.
This service, which is part of SunTrust’s Online Banking with Bill Pay, provides you with the ability to receive electronic versions of your paper bills via Online Banking. With eBills you’ll see all the same or similar account information on your online bills as you do with paper bills:
Balance due
Due date
Payment history
Account details
With eBills, you can manage your monthly expenses from one location with one password making it simple to track your bill payments. You can opt to receive an e-mail notification when a bill is ready to view and pay using online Bill Pay. Plus, you can access up to 6 months of eBills online.
Already using SunTrust Online Banking? Look for the “Get Bill” icon next to billers that offer eBills


1 comment:

  1. That’s an useful article, friend!
    I have recently found a website, which will actually take care of all your bill payments.
    Finovera provides an automatic bill pay service will pay your bills on your behalf. So, you will never have to worry about paying your bills.
    It will be done on time, every time!
    Finovera will send you an alert if a bill is unusually high or if you need to transfer funds to cover it.
    Finovera is absolutely free to use and always will be!!!
