Monday, 21 January 2013


The facility of Mobile Banking through J2ME Application works on a secured, menu based and user friendly J2ME technology, which is compatible to all GPRS/Java enabled mobile phones (Java version MIDP 2.0 and above) using both SMS & GPRS modes.

Who is eligible ?

The customers, who want to avail the facility, should request his home Branch for enabling the Mobile Banking facility.

What is SMS PULL and J2ME Mobile Banking?

SMS Pull is the Normal Text Request sent to the predefined Mobile Number (Those who are not having Java Enabled Mobile Phones). In J2ME Mobile Banking , users have to download and install the J2ME MIDP Application in their mobile phones. This J2ME mobile application is GUI and menu driven application.

What is J2ME Mobile Banking in GPRS MODE and SMS Mode?

In application based J2ME Mobile Banking there are two types of communication happening from the mobile application to CUB Server. In GPRS Mode the users have to enable the GPRS facility (GPRS is Internet Connection provided by the Service Provider for Mobile phones). J2ME Application in SMS mode the communication between the Client Mobile and CUB Server happen through encrypted SMS.

Downloading the Application:

The URL link for application download will be sent to the customer’s mobile when the customer application is processed successfully. They have to select the application GPRS Mode / SMS Mode for downloading.  The J2ME Mobile banking application can also be downloaded from the bank’s website directly using their PC/Laptop and then transferred to the Mobile Phone using Data Cable or Bluetooth..

Registration of J2ME Application:

To install the J2ME application in the mobile handset, the customer opens the application and the registration process will start automatically wherein the customer needs to enter the Customer ID & 4 digit numeric MPIN. The customer will register the 6 digit application password as per his choice. Upon successful validation of MPIN, Customer ID & the Mobile No, the system starts registration and synchronization of linked accounts and added beneficiary accounts will happen automatically.

Security Aspects:

The requests and responses are sent through encrypted/ secured messaging format using end to end encryption. Application password is required to be keyed in by the customer to open the application and the customer has to use MPIN while making queries/ transactions. The customer can anytime change the Application Password (and/or) MPIN.
Regarding funds transfer, the customer can transfer funds ONLY TO PREVIOUSLY ADDED BENEFICIARIES. The customer can also add new beneficiaries through “Add Beneficiary” option either through Net Banking or Mobile Banking module.

Services available in the application:

Primarily, the customer can transfer funds up to the limit of Rs 50,000 per day as per RBI norms and the following services are also available in the module.

Enquiries:  Account Balance enquiry, FD balance enquiry, Mini statement, Cheque issued status enquiry, Loan services and Funds transfer limit enquiry services are available.

Transaction:  The user can make fund transfer between his own accounts, to other CUB accounts and through NEFT to other bank accounts.

Services: The user can request for Cheque Book, Stop payment of Cheque, Account statement and Revocation of stopped cheque.

Miscellaneous Services: The customer can change MPIN / Application Password and add/view/delete beneficiary account details.

Settings:  The customer can any time update his linked accounts/beneficiary account details. Whenever a new version of application is released by the Bank, the same may be upgraded to the mobile. If the user wishes to remove the application from his mobile, the provision to deactivate the same is also made available.

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