Indian Railways Train Running Information between Important Stations
Trains between Stations
To find list of trains running between two stations you need to enter starting and destination station name. Finally, click on “Get Trains List” to get a list of trains running between two stations.
Just fill in below— First few characters of starting station name & destination station name and click on “Get Trains List” to know full list of trains running between any two railway stations.
NOTE: If clicking on the above “Get Trains List” link is unable to provide you list of trains between two railway stations then right click on the “Get Trains List” link and SELECT open link in New Tab or New Window.
For both, Starting and Destination station fill in three or more consecutive letters of the Station Name. To know how to find trains between stations, read below.
Necessity of finding Trains Running between Stations
Indian Railways is the fourth largest railways network of the world which runs more than 10,000 passenger (yatri) trains per day. Rail passengers love traveling in Indian trains from one railway station (source) to the other railway station (destination). By knowing list of running trains between two stations one can plan his/her journey easily and thereby can save important time. So for making a train journey plan, it becomes important for most rail passengers to know complete list of trains running between any two railway stations. Indian railways provides facility to view full list of trains running between two important stations accessing through the webpage,
How to know Trains Running between Stations


Finding Trains Between Two Stations
Now, you can select the desired starting station name and destination name to get complete list of trains between the selected stations. For example, trains list running between New Delhi (NDLS) and Patna Junction (PNBE) is shown below.
Trains between New Delhi (NDLS) and Patna Jn (PNBE)
We think you can now easily check online, Trains between two Stations
Nice articleExcellent info
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